The yearly event of our school chorus is tradition at our school. The events are very successful every time!
Here some examples:
Singing a trip around the
world. Unfortunately my photo equipment is not so powerful than my EDP
stuff - sorry for the quality of the shots! Here Georg Neininger, rector
of our school, is directing ...
97 we made the musical "Sammy" - as you certainly know, this is the story
of a kayman crocodile, which escaped his master and found a new home in
a lake. Here some photos of the event:
policeman locks the lake facing the danger of being attacked by Sammy ...
The kayman Sammy is examined by a surgean - temperature is not ok. This is commented
by reporter Karla Columna and supervised by the policeman.
and Turtles at the court.
You couldn't participate?
No problem - join us next year!
For further
Robert Freidinger in Merklingen, latest Update 29.11.98