It began in 1989: We wanted to introduce the provisioning of milk at our school. But we did this too heavy - it was too much organized. Forecasting to the teachers, supply during the main pause in the morning by the teachers according to forecast. But - who knows today what he wants to drink in a fortnight?
Successful solution: Hiring of mothers, who sell milk & chocolate at a certain day of the week. Optimum is engagement of 2-3 (4) mothers per day, rolling. The disadvantage of having two selling places both in primary school and secondary school buildings could be overcome by the high engagement of our parents - we need for 5 days about 30 people. In the meantime also fathers are selling the milk beverages. Shortly before the morning pause the kiosk is opened, after the puase it is closed again.
Today we sell milk, milk beverages, fruit juices and ice teas. During summertime lase year we moved from glass bottles to Tetra-Packs as boxes. Per week we sell about 600 drinks a week to about 450 pupils. They pay cash of with vouchers (sold as 10 per pack). Additional there is a forfait coin necessary. The prices are set below the given maximums by the Government, even as these maximum charges are reasonable low. Nevertheless, the sales figures provide us with a profit, which is fully used for projects at our school, i.e. MEP etc.
Out of the times of the glass bottles we kept the forfait principle. The forfait coin worth 0,50 DM is very effective in bringing back all empty beverage boxes for recycling.
There is one mother organizing the mothers selling the ververages. Another mother is taking over the financial issues.
For further
Robert Freidinger in Merklingen, created Nov. 06, 98; latest update Nov. 29,