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The need for a new lay out
of our garden railway was evident - there have some bends to be made more
smoothly, the bridge was too tight etc. This new lay out need results in
building new stone walls and extensive use of "caterpillars" ....
June 1999
A narrow curve at the edge of the bridge had to be "smoothend". Therefore the stone wall has to be moved ahead, the background has to be filled with earth and condensed. The movement of the bricked stone for the tracks out of the stone wall must be prevented.
Finished - looks nearly ready.
The bricked stone as basis for the tracks is spred. The stones of the wall
are fixed - mostly not visible - against movements with concrete. In the
past we used plastic plates or falt stones as a basis, but this is of no
use. Plants are growing in pure bricked stone ...
The surface must be plain and
slopes have to be made in the right smoothly manner. Alexander
acts here in controlling level and slope of the main station entrance for
the further track lay out.
further informations:
Robert Freidinger / Merklingen / latest update 25.03.2009